Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Sense of Worth, Ric Elias

I found that while his presentation was mundane, the story itself made me think. He spoke about being in a plane crash and living through that with certain goals, to eliminate all of the negative energy in his life, to be a great dad, and that it all changes in an instant. The way his told his story was full of emotion, and captivating because he had been in such a traumatic incident that tightened your breath until he said that he survived.

If a person is put in that type of life and death situation, do their entire lives flash before their eyes, or just key parts? Do the survivors get a sense of determination to live forever, or does the feeling eventually dim to a point of no return? Would it be possible to know? I find that I can't personally answer these questions, because I have never had a near-death experience before; unless almost falling backwards in a chair counts.

When Mr. Elias said that he wanted to eliminate negative energy from is life, my first question was, is that possible? After all, he is human, and anger is a regular emotion to feel. Did he mean negative emotion he feels, or just negative emotions overall? If he meant overall, I don't see how that would be possible because of the fact that he can't control what other people feel. Why would he even want to get rid of that kind of emotion in the first place? Even though anger is not a good feeling to have, it makes all of the positive emotions that much better, it doesn't really make sense to get rid of it completely.

To me, Mr. Elias' speech sent the message that life is short and that I should do what I want/need within reason. I guess that education could help reinforce that statement because after school, students go out into the real world and have to start making decisions for themselves, so why not teach the kids how to live early instead of having them never figure it out unless they almost die. This relates to the world, because there are people in the world that live lives and don't face any scary situations because they believe that they have all of the time in the world, but if they were informed that their time on Earth was actually limited, they might actually start facing the scary situations.

I would recommend this blog to anybody interested in living.

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